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Join Sumit and William in an insightful discussion on the 'Top Trends in Industrial Hiring and Staffing in 2024.' In this webinar, the experts delve into the dynamic landscape of industrial recruitment, shedding light on the latest trends shaping the industry. From technological advancements to evolving candidate expectations, Sumit and William explore key insights that are influencing hiring and staffing strategies.

Key takeaways include:

 Top Trends in Industrial Hiring and Staffing for 2024

1. Integrating AI in Recruitment Process:

– AI can alleviate administrative burdens for recruiters.
– Opportunities for AI to streamline processes, such as creating job descriptions and candidate profiles.
– Emphasis on AI enhancing convenience and professionalism in recruitment.

2. Challenges and Solutions in Adopting Advanced Technology:

– Challenge: Ensuring accuracy of AI outputs.
– Solutions may involve careful review of AI-generated content.
– Overall, AI expected to add convenience, professionalism, and efficiency to recruitment.

3. Long-Term Growth and Sustainability in Hiring Practices:

– Focus on hiring individuals with longer-term commitments to the company.
– Businesses seeking sustainable growth aim to minimize turnover.
– Utilizing technology, like AI, to optimize hiring and retention strategies.

4. Cost-Effective Recruitment Strategies for 2024:

– In-house recruitment to save costs compared to outsourcing.
– Leveraging technology and accurate data for efficient predictions.
– Emphasizing the need for simplicity and reliance on technology in the recruitment process.

5. Navigating the Digital Transformation Wave in Industrial Hiring:

– Starting with solving specific challenges in workforce acquisition, management, or optimization.
– Gradual digital transformation by integrating technology to address business-specific needs.
– Leveraging analytics and AI for strategic and operational execution.

6. Candidate-Centric Approaches for Positive Journey:

– Training recruiters for seamless and enjoyable candidate experiences.
– Implementing technology to deliver faster payments and transparent processes.
– Focusing on simplicity and instant gratification, especially for the younger workforce.

7. High-Demand Skill Sets in Industrial Hiring for 2024:

– Effective communication and delegation skills stand out.
– The ability to earn respect from colleagues is crucial.
– Identifying and acquiring talent requires treating candidates well and investing in continuous training.

8. Skill Set Prioritization for Industry Hiring:

– Communication and delegation skills are in high demand.
– The ability to explain tasks professionally and gain respect from colleagues is crucial.
– The industry values workers who can communicate efficiently in an industrial setting.

9. Staying Ahead in Identifying and Acquiring Talent:

– Treating candidates well through proper management.
– Investing in continuous training for workforce improvement.
– Emphasizing mutual respect between employers and candidates for successful hiring.

10. Core Principles for Successful Industrial Hiring:

– Coaching and continuous training for skill enhancement.
– Mutual respect, accountability, and responsibility contribute to a positive work environment.
– Focusing on core principles ensures businesses attract and retain quality talent.


– The webinar highlights key trends in industrial hiring and staffing for 2024.
– Emphasis on technology integration, long-term sustainability, cost-effective strategies, and candidate-centric approaches.
– Core principles, effective communication, and continuous training play pivotal roles in successful industrial hiring.

Completed Webinars

Sumit Sahdev
CEO, Jombone Inc.
July 27, 2023 | 1:00 PM EST
Eddie Diaz
Sr. Director Sales, Jombone Inc.
August 3, 2023 | 1:00 PM EST
Sumit Sahdev
CEO, Jombone Inc.
August 10, 2023 | 1:00 PM EST
Garima Sahdev
Recruitment Head, Jombone Inc
August 17, 2023 | 1:00 PM EST
Eddie Diaz
Sr. Director Sales, Jombone Inc.
August 24, 2023 | 1:00 PM EST
Connie Veenbaas
VP Customer Success, Jombone Inc.
August 31, 2023 | 1:00 PM EST
Sumit Sahdev
CEO, Jombone Inc.
September 7, 2023 | 1:00 PM EST
Eddie Diaz
Sr. Director Sales, Jombone Inc.
September 14, 2023 | 1:00 PM EST
Sumit Sahdev
CEO, Jombone Inc.
November 30, 2023 | 1:30 PM EST
Eddie Diaz
Sr. Director Sales, Jombone Inc.
December 7, 2023 | 1:00 PM EST
Connie Veenbaas
VP Customer Success
December 14, 2023 | 1:00 PM EST
Sumit Sahdev
CEO, Jombone Inc.
January 11, 2024 | 3:00 PM EST
Garima Sahdev
Recruitment Head
January 18, 2024 | 1:00 PM EST
Sumit Sahdev
CEO, Jombone Inc.
February 1, 2024 | 1:30 PM EST