Control what you spend

One end-to-end solution and flexible service models help you save up to 40% on your hiring and staffing spend.

Digital Transformation
Hiring & Staffing

Combining Fragmented Systems

Fully Automated

End-to-end automation optimizes hiring and staffing processes, enhancing efficiency, compliance, while saving costs.

Less Manual Effort

Unified Solution

Seamless end-to-end integration unifies fragmented systems and information silos, providing efficiencies and cost savings.

Less Integration

Optimize Spend

Maximize ROI on your workforce spend. Seamlessly manage, reduce turnover, and lost training time costs for optimal efficiency.

Higher Efficiencies

Choose the Service Model that Suits Your Needs!

Self Service

Have an in-house recruitment team but lacking the integrated technology to hire, manage and pay workers?
On-demand Add Ons

Self Service + Recruitment Support

Need help with recruitment? Post a job order and receive screened applicants.
On-demand Add Ons

Fully Managed

Looking to outsource your hiring and staffing? Jombone will provide you with a fully managed solution, completely digital!

Track your Spend in Real Time

Access on-demand and real time reports that map hiring spend against budgets to help you fine-tune your ongoing operations.

Convert from Temp to Perm at No Additional Cost

Have workers exceeded your expectations? Convert them to permanent without any thresholds or minimum waiting periods.

Client Testimonials